Now booking 2025 Fiber Art Parties! Call today to book a party - 843-467-0043. Don't forget to visit our farm store in person or online today! We also offer gift certificates for our parties/workshops.

The Road Less Traveled Farm

UPick Strawberry Farm, Fiber Art Studio, Farm Store& More!

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Recycled Sari Silk Handwoven Fiber Art,

Beautiful handmade woven fiber art wall hanging. ! It was woven on a peg loom using luxurious recycled sari silk frizz ribbon, giving this art piece color dimension and texture. A maple branch was used for the dowel rod.

Approximately measures 14.5 inches wide and about 25 inches from top of weaving to bottom of fringe. Maple dowel rod is 19 inches. Easily hangs with a nail or hook.

Please note that colors may vary due to lighting on a computer or phone screen.

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